< Beyond the Garden Gate
< In the Woods

Sweetie Treasure Chase
Hare and Hounds
Autumn Hide and Seek
Conker Bowling
Duck Races
One-Metre Safari
Whittle a Toasting Fork
Whittle a Walking Stick

Hare and Hounds

This is great fun if you’re in the wilds but just as good in urban areas, where you can lay trails through a park or round local streets.

Choose two hares – making sure one of them is a grown-up – and give them a small bag of white flour. Everyone else is a hound.
The two hares set off with the flour to lay their trail. At every corner or split pathway, the hares leave a flour arrow to point the direction they’re going. They may decide to do a round trip back to the house, or end up somewhere where everyone can gather together and have a picnic or warm drink.
Ten to 15 minutes after the hares have left, the pack of baying hounds are released to chase after them. (Often it’s best to divide into smaller groups making sure there is one responsible person in each group.) Everyone has to track the hares, following the trail to catch them before they reach their ‘home’.
The fun is in the chase and this is a game where everyone ends up tired and breathless but very happy.