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< Something Filling

Chicken Stock
Apple and Sausage Loaf
Beef and Guinness Casserole
Easy Cheese Soufflé
Lemon Potatoes
Easter Sunday Lunch
Fantastic Fish Pie

Chicken Stock

Boiling up a stock from chicken bones makes a base for stunning soups, risottos and dishes like spaghetti bolognaise. Divide the liquid into 500ml bags and freeze so you've always got some stock ready to go.

Bones, skin and unused flesh from a chicken carcass
Chicken giblets, if you can get them (though don’t use the liver)
1-2 onions
1-2 carrots, peeled
1-2 sticks of celery
2 bay leaves
A handful of black peppercorns

Once you’ve roasted and eaten your chicken, pick off all the remaining good meat and put it to one side to use as leftovers. Pull apart the carcass and put all the chicken bones (including the ones you’ve picked clean – shame to waste them), skin, fat, jelly and any other bits from the roasting tin into a stock pot or casserole dish.
Peel the onions and quarter them. Cut the carrots and celery into quarters. Push into the pot tightly around the chicken bones along with the bay leaves and peppercorns. Don’t add salt (you might not need it in the final dish the stock is used in).
Add enough cold water just to cover the bones, and put on the stove. Bring to just below boiling then turn down and allow to simmer gently, so a couple of bubbles break the surface every few seconds. After about 20 mins, skim any grey scum off the surface with a slotted spoon.
Leave to cook at a gentle simmer, making sure the liquid does not boil, for at least two hours and preferably four.
Strain the stock through a fine sieve then allow to cool. Place in jars in the fridge or divide into 500ml plastic bags and freeze.